With mediumship readings I always endeavour to bring a communication from a loved one in spirit that you recognise and is often the one you most want to hear from. The reading should be healing and uplifting and should show you that your loved one is eternal and still lives on. It will be evidential and contain details such as descriptions of personality and appearance and unique memories. The essence of your loved one will be expressed so that you are left in no doubt that they are present.

The reading may include guidance from spirit about how to move forward and what you need to hear rather than what you would necessarily want to hear. Spirit will not tell you what to do as we are given free will to make our own choices so I will not do any fortune telling.

This is a 1 to 1 reading in person (30 – 40 minutes duration). Once payment has been received, I will contact you to book a mutually convenient time and place for the reading.  Alternatively, please email admin@yomasoul.co.uk to check current waiting times before paying for your reading.

Please note: Prices are for readings in the Colchester area and within a 5 mile radius if I am travelling to you.  Other locations further afield may incur extra travelling costs.


As with all psychic and mediumship services I need to state that the reading offered is from my own perceptions. It is not advisable to have a reading if you are suffering  from mental health issues or are in a vulnerable state where healing is needed first. Any decisions you make after receiving any reading is solely your responsibility.  Please refer to the terms and conditions prior to booking.

5 reviews for Evidential Mediumship Reading – In Person

  1. Chris

    I had a reading some time ago from Sophie, my niece more recently and now my mum, all excellent with accurate information and real personality of loved ones coming through. Sophie is a highly intelligent, sensitive and empathetic medium. As she says herself she is very much still learning, developing her mediumship, but if you want a really honest, intelligent, understanding reading…. you won’t do much better!

  2. Jane Smith

    This medium is the real deal! I saw her demonstrate a few years ago in Epping where she bought through two spirits at the same time for two differnt people. I found her again by chance and had a lovely reading. Lots of evidence from my Mum and just what I needed. Thanks x
    (copied over from email review)

  3. G C

    Had a fantastic reading from Sophie back in October, truly awe inspiring. Can’t deny her gift! On top of her skill, she was very accommodating, friendly and made the whole experience wonderful. Highly recommend.
    (copied over from Facebook)

  4. Denise

    Sophie, thank you so so much for helping me to find a peace. Thank you so much from my heart and soul.x
    (Copied over from Facebook)

  5. Jill Death

    Sophie has a lovely caring, healing and gentle nature so I felt very comfortable with her. She came through with many people and some very interesting facts about them. It was a lovely experience, thank you Sophie 😊

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