With a mediumship reading I always endeavour to bring a communication from a loved one in spirit that you recognise and is often the one you most want to hear from. The reading should be healing and uplifting and should show you that your loved one is eternal and still lives on. It will be evidential and contain details such as descriptions of personality and appearance and unique memories. The essence of your loved one will be expressed so that you are left in no doubt that they are present.

The reading may include guidance from spirit about how to move forward and what you need to hear rather than what you would necessarily want to hear. Spirit will not tell you what to do as we are given free will to make our own choices so I will not do any fortune telling in a reading.

This is a 1 to 1 online reading. Once payment has been received, I will contact you to book a mutually convenient time for the reading.  Alternatively, please email admin@yomasoul.co.uk to check current waiting times before paying for your reading.

As with all psychic and mediumship offerings I need to state that the reading offered is from my own perceptions. It is not advisable to have a reading if you are suffering  from mental health issues or are in a vulnerable state where healing is needed first. Any decisions you make after receiving any reading is solely your responsibility.  Please read the terms and conditions prior to booking.

1 review for Evidential Mediumship Reading – Online

  1. Kirsty L

    Such a great experience. This was my first reading and I didn’t know what to expect. I felt like she knew me! My lovely Nan had lots to say which was really funny. Would definitely recommend.
    (copied over from Facebook)

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